How to Make Semla: A Delicious Swedish Treat

By: Michala Freeman

Semla is a traditional Swedish treat typically served during Easter. It is a roll filled with an almond paste filling, topped with whipped cream and a bread top.


As with any food that is truly delicious, this recipe requires some patience. The bread needs to be kneaded and to rise, baked, and cooled. The almond paste filling takes some time to achieve the right consistency. And of course, the whipped cream needs to be whipped!

Once completed, however, semla is really delicious and dangerously addictive. 100% worth every step.

Nothing compares to the true joy and fulfillment of having made such a delicious treat. On my trip to Sweden, we celebrated with a game of pickup sticks afterward. I highly recommend you do the same.


Prep Time: 1:30  Bake Time: 20 min

Makes around 13 buns or up to 20 if miniature in size. 


2 1/2 cups milk (6 dL)
7 Tbsp (100 g)  melted margarine or butter
1/2 package (25 g) yeast
1/4 tsp (2.8 g) salt
3 Tbsp (15 g) sugar
1 egg
3 1/2 cup (8 1/2 dl) bread flour
egg or egg white to brush the buns with (optional)


3/4 cup (200 g) almond paste
crumbs from the buns + 1/2 cup (1 dl) of milk
1/2 cup (1 dl) whipped cream for garnish



  1. Preheat the oven to 390° F  (200° C).
  2. Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Melt the
    butter or margarine and mix with the milk and warm it to “finger warmth”.
    Pour the butter with milk over the yeast and stir.
    Let it all stand for 3 minutes.
  3. Add yeast mixture to the large bowl and add in the dry mixture (without the filling of course) and work the dough vigorously.  You can use a mixer with a dough hook, or by hand.
  4. Let the dough rise in the the bowl under a towel. You only need about 15 minutes of rising time.                                                                                                                                                                                   
  5. Knead the dough a little
    lightly on a floured board.  Divide the dough into two
    parts, then each part into 6-10 pieces of dough. Roll
    into round buns and place them on a greased baking sheet.
    (all the buns will fit on an ordinary baking sheet).
  6.  Bake for 5 minutes, then an optional step is to brush each bun lightly with egg wash. Bake for 20 minutes total, but check with toothpick after 15 minutes. 
  7.  Once toothpick comes out clean, remove from the oven and let cool completely under a towel. 
  8.  Once cooled completely, cut off a small cap on each bun. Save the
    the lids. Carefully scoop out the insides of the buns and set to the side.
    Add grated almond paste to a bowl and mix with milk and scooped bread. Use a fork or a mixer to mix to a smooth paste consistency.
  9. Fill each bun with paste. 
    Garnish with whipped cream 
    before putting the lids back on. Sift 
    over with some powdered sugar. 

        Enjoy and make good memories with this recipe 🙂 

Source: Anna’s Mat Cookbook, with some alterations for filling. 


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